• Tips
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Tips for your application

If you are interested in a job offer and you want to apply for it, probably you want to make the best possible first impression. How do you do this? Here are some tips that might help you.

1. Show your strengths

You are already doing well if you know what your strengths are and why they match the job offer. The next step is to write this down in your CV. Do you find this hard? Ask someone to help you with this. You can also use another CV as an example.

2. Don‘t quit immediately if you don’t match all the requirements for the job.

Sometimes you think: “This is it….. this is a great job for me!”, but you don’t match one of the requirements in the job offer. Give it a try, you might be able to compensate this with another skill you have. But keep in mind that these skills have to be a bit relevant. If they are, you should write them down in your CV.

3. Use social media

Next to the traditional ways of applying for a job, you can make use of social media. For example LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. You might be using these already privately but it can be smart to use them to increase your chances for a job. The networker always wins, well most of the time. Employers are able to find you and get excited about you. Did you know that 92% of the recruiters checks the profile of candidates before the come to an interview.

But how do I use my social media in the best way possible?

You start by making (or changing) your personal profile and on one or more networkingsites. A profile on a networking site is like an online business card. The reach is way further than the paper business card - that is something to keep in mind. A good profile contains information about who you are, your work experience and possibly your hobbies. You can also add relevant pictures and videos. Here are 6 tips for when you create your profile.

  1. Be aware of what kind of content you post. Pictures of drunk people during a party might be funny, but can give a wrong impression. The same counts for texts or sayings that can be interpreted in a wrong way. Your profile should look professional.
  2. Choose a picture that shows your face and make sure that you look friendly and into the camera. And you might want to skip the holiday pictures. 
  3. Follow groups in your area of expertise. This gives a positive and interested impression, and it feeds you with interesting information and maybe even a job offer. 
  4. Ask for references or recommendations of old employers and colleagues and post them on your profile.
  5. Do you use multiple networking sites? Use them to your advantage and let them complement each other.
  6. And finally you should take a look at your profile from an employer’s point of view. Is all relevant information in there? Does the profile give the right image of who you are and what you can do? 
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